Un amiga se ha puesto en contacto con nosotros para avisarnos que esta tienda llamada Sugar & Cotton en Florida, ha empezado a vender camisetas con la "Ballena", sin licencia y sin permiso.
Como ya sucedió el año pasado con la tienda en Tainan (Taiwan del Sur) que utiliza una imagen de Amargo para comercializar sus botellas de leche (ver entrada antigua del 20 de junio de 2016), ha sido gracias al aviso de amigos de esta página como nos enteramos de estas prácticas.
Lamentablemente estos casos no siempre se resuelven bien, dado la enorme impunidad legal con la que esta gente sin talento genera negocio mediante el trabajo de los demás.
As in the old Far West, in this Global World, some people steal the work of others. A friend wrote to Pablo Amargo Studio with this issue: this shop in Florida (USA) is selling t-shirts with your illustration the Whale, but I did´t see your sign. The brand "Sugar&Cotton" hasn't the licence of this image.
(Finally this shop deleted the T-shirt of his web site, but his answer showed another sad reality:
-I am so sorry, we had no idea it was your design! We buy the shirts from a Chinese manufacturer who sells to lots of shops - had no clue it was yours, and we feel awful. Removing it from our website now. So sorry!-)
(Finally this shop deleted the T-shirt of his web site, but his answer showed another sad reality:
-I am so sorry, we had no idea it was your design! We buy the shirts from a Chinese manufacturer who sells to lots of shops - had no clue it was yours, and we feel awful. Removing it from our website now. So sorry!-)
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